Have you ever been involved in a book launch?
Did you even know there was such a thing as a book launch team, sometimes called a street team? Well, there is, and today I want to give you an opportunity to join mine!
Wait... wait... hold on.
I don't know what you're talking about, Naomi.
Please 'splain.
No problem! A book launch team is a group of avid readers -- in this case historical romance fans (Christian fiction) -- who are willing to help share the love and get the word out to other readers about a book. In return, they get to read the book early and for FREE, share ideas, collect some fun book swag goodies and, to top it off, they get introduced to a host of new friends who share their interests and passions and find encouragement with one another.
Sound fun -- or at least possibly interesting?
I am adding members to my #MistOerTheVoyageur Launch Team right now. If you want to become a part, then this is what you do. First, make sure you're familiar with my novel so you can determine whether it's your type of read. There's no sense in joining a launch team if you don't feel wholehearted about the story. You can read more about the book here. Then just fill out the application. It's quick and easy, and its mostly to help me learn a tiny bit about you. Once the launch is over, the team will still stay connected on my private Facebook group page. You can select to stay on the team for further book launches if you want. (I will have at least two more next year.)
Interested? Hey, then! What's stopping you from applying? I mean... free reads for a small investment of time and a little sharing the love? Here's the application:
Still not sure? Read more about my launch team right here: Naomi's Reading Getaway and Grace-Filled Launch Team
Still not sure? Read more about my launch team right here: Naomi's Reading Getaway and Grace-Filled Launch Team