Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Summer Seeds & Summer Romance (30 Reads)

Summer Seeds
Garden Seeds: How does your garden grow? Mine has been quite contrary this year, with parts coming along but some seeds that just refused to sprout. That always makes me anxious, because of all the time and energy I've invested. Plus, I do a lot of canning, and our family depends on mounds of jars of veggies on the basement shelves over winter. I pray over every row I plant, asking God to bless each seed, but sometimes things just don't work out quite the way I have it in mind. Nevertheless, God always provides and blesses us in other ways.

Story Seeds: In fact, it's the same with stories. Right now, I have 5 unpublished manuscripts in various stages, from polished to work-in-progress, here on my laptop, awaiting their chance to "sprout".  They range from well-cultivated to not-yet-emerging. But they haven't found a publishing home yet. Would you pray with me for these story seeds, that they would find a publishing home at which to germinate well?

Precious Seeds: July is right around the corner. Between now and somewhere in the middle, we expect the arrival of two precious grand-babies, and we'll have one in the early fall too. Of all the seeds around me, these and the little ones growing tall are my most treasured. They are the seeds I most pray for, especially in this fallen Garden-of-Eden world we live in today.  Prayer for my little loves is the water and sunshine that will protect them and help them flourish. How have you been praying for your little seeds?
30 Kindle Unlimited Reads
 Summer Christian Romance

(Otherwise very reasonably priced ebooks if you're not a KU subscriber)

If you're enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, here's an ideal chance to "seed" your Kindle for some summer reading, and per-chance investigate some new-to-you authors. Check out these 30 KU sweet and clean titles in a variety of Christian fiction genres. 

Thinking of getting a new Kindle? I like this Kindle Paperwhite .  All of the books. None of the clutter. Now they have a waterproof version. Nice!
Here's to great growth for all your summer seeds and reads!

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